Fotografering: December 29, 1961 (Registerkort)
- FotografUppsala-Bildsäker
- Klimat (Outline)OU 132
- Barndom (Outline)OU 855
- Barnets sysselsättningar (Outline)OU 857
License information
- Copies 1 Plastnegativ, Svartvitt, Original
- Identifier UB018811
- Part of collection Upplandsmuseets samlingar
- Owner of collection Upplandsmuseet
- Institution Upplandsmuseet
- Date published May 2, 2014
- Date updated January 16, 2025
- DIMU-CODE 011014032759
- UUID 25ff7b2b-cc72-4b90-b30c-2a31a393e7ab
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