- FotografOkänd
- ArkivreferenserAM K8_04
- Digitala objektAM K8 MILJÖBILDER\AM K8_04
License information
- License Public domain mark (CC pdm)
- Copies 1 Positiv kopia, Svartvitt, Reprokopia
- Identifier AMA.0010186
- Alternative name MBB 071 - Institutionsintern katalog/lista (Miljöbilder)
- Part of collection Armémuseums arkiv
- Owner of collection Armémuseum
- Institution Armémuseum
- Date published August 13, 2014
- Date updated March 8, 2019
- DIMU-CODE 011014489114
- UUID 1d3839ab-61ff-4a02-9d91-adb3db312796
- Tags
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