Photo: Tekniska museet

Christopher Polhem - tillbaka till framtiden

We acknowledge the Swedish inventor, entrepreneur and universal genius Christopher Polhem with an exhibition telling the fascinating story of a man who was way ahead of his time.

98 object

The “Christopher Polhem – back to the future” exhibition has been designed in Polhemian spirit for a younger audience, where unique objects are integrated with multimedia and interactivity, and where the keywords are movement, interdisciplinary science, playfulness, art and faith in the future.

The exhibition tells the tale of Polhem, spinning outward from his life when he was young. Another thread is allocated to Polhem´s own words about being “born in the wrong time and in the wrong place,” and describes the reasons why his ideas never made the breakthroughs he had hoped for.

The exhibition also discusses the question of what Polhem would have dedicated his attention to if he had been alive today. What would he have seen the greatest challenges of our time to be? What obstacles do forward-thinking innovators encounter in getting their ideas through?

Interactivity, computer games and a workshop corner for kids guarantee a fun experience for the whole family.

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