Alhambra med lejonfontänen Patio de los Leones
Alhambra med lejonfontänen Patio de los Leones Curman, Sigurd

Images from a bygone era

Sigurd Curman (1879 - 1966) was an architect and headed Sweden’s cultural heritage of the 1900s first half. He was Sweden's National Antiquarian from 1923 to 1946. In 1901 after his graduation he went on a field trip around Europe to study 1800-century art history and architecture. This trip was the first of many he made to explore different locations. The focus of his missions was the issues of restoration and the purpose was to gain insight into the recent progress in restoration of art in Europe during that time.

Sigurd Curman and company travelling through South Tyrol by car in 1904. Photo: Curman, Sigurd

The National Museum of Science and Technology holds about 3000 lantern slides from his travels. Some of them are displayed here. The photos ranges between 1901 and 1912 and shows everyday life in Europe before two world wars. As a part of the museum's mission to make the collections available to as many as possible, 560 of these have now been published on Wikimedia Commons. They are part of our common cultural heritage and can now help us all to take part of and understand the past.

In this folder on DigitaltMuseum, we've compiled a selection of the photos of Sigurd Curman. However, the associated information is only available in Swedish.

Most of this content can now be found on Wikimedia Commons, tagged with locations, motifs and keywords. Bylines can now be translated into any language of your choice, when you take part in the Wikimedia collaboration! The images are sorted into the Commons category system and show up side-by-side with similar images from different times. They may be used on Wikipedia pages as well as any context you can think of... Follow this link to explore Curman's view of a past time!

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