
1 comment

  • Fo134207

    Från uttagningsseglingarna till de olympiska seglingarna i Kiel 1936; olympiajollar utanför Sandhamn i juni.

    Hi, the O-jolle pictures are great. I own and sail the nr O-8 in Finland, shown in the pic.

    Åbo Båtvarf built 27 boats in 1939 for Helsinki Olympics (ref. Åbo Båtvarf 1889-1954, pages 218-219, 262). Half of them went to Sweden. I believe my O-8 in one of these.

    It is hard to believe, we had at least 8 boats already in y 1936 for Berlin. Just Rene Nyman, FI participated, 10th place.

    In Kiel they had 100 German boats for use.

    So, I wander the timing, year 1936 of the description, who had made these boats in Sweden and Finland...

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