Fotografering: 1948
- FotografMickelsson, Hilding (1919 - 2002)
- Klimat (Outline)OU 132
- Tomt och trädgård (Outline)OU 351
- Vägväsen (Outline)OU 491
- Barndom (Outline)OU 855
- Vuxenålder (Outline)OU 885
License information
- Copies 1 Positiv kopia, Svartvitt
- Identifier HMM1798
- Part of collection Foto
- Owner of collection Hälsinglands Museum
- Institution Hälsinglands Museum
- Date published December 9, 2016
- Date updated July 2, 2024
- DIMU-CODE 021016812256
- UUID 94ffa41c-8aa9-429b-817d-5cc77d647df6
- Tags
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