Sigurd Curman (born April 29, 1879, died February 14, 1966) was Sweden's National Antiquarian from 1923 to 1946.
He was an architect and headed Sweden’s cultural heritage of the 19...
Sigurd Curman (born April 29, 1879, died February 14, 1966) was Sweden's National Antiquarian from 1923 to 1946.
He was an architect and headed Sweden’s cultural heritage of the 1900s first half.
In 1901 he went on a field trip around Europe to study 1800-century art history and architecture. The focus of the missions was the restoration issue and the purpose was to gain insight into the restoration of art recent progress in Europe during that time. The museum holds about 3000 lantern slides from his travels. Some of them are displayed here. The photos ranges between 1901 and 1912 and shows a Europe before two world wars.
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