Photo: Gerdén, Anna / Tekniska museet

Salon Energy - Ågesta nuclear plant

At Salong Energi - Ågesta Nuclear Power Plant, you can explore selected objects and stories from people who built and worked at the facility. Unique items such as the nuclear power plant's large control panel, radiation protection equipment, models, and drawings of Ågesta are on display. Hear stories from those who built and worked at the plant and watch the documentary film Ågesta - A Ripple in Time. What were the dreams of the actors who built, operated, and decommissioned Ågesta nuclear power plant? What do these dreams tell about a small, technologically advanced country trying to navigate the global energy market and step into the nuclear age?

Delve into an exhibition that challenges, evokes emotions, and raises questions. But it may also provide hope, as there is also a glimpse into the future of nuclear technology. The exhibition also features a quiz where you can test your knowledge of nuclear power and energy.

1 comment

  • Det hade varit väldigt intressant att få se utställningen. Tyvärr bor

    Jag I Norrbotten så det är en bit att åka. Mvh, Sture Nyström.

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